Krämer's Salon of Thought | "Overreaching"


Does abundance undermine democracy?

There is nothing wrong with people striving to get money and also some wealth. In a way, our society is virtually built on the fact that people are interested in money. But there is also an excess of wealth. Namely, when very few people have a very large share of the economic resources, they can decide on publicly relevant issues. Then they have a power that actually belongs in the hands of democratically elected parliaments.

Democracy depends on information. What information do we actually need and have to judge whether the distribution of wealth in our society is a problem? The multi-award-winning economist and psychotherapist Martin Schürz has been researching wealth distribution for decades, and in his 2019 book "Überreichtum" he drew attention not only to the problem of over-wealth itself, but also to the difficult information situation regarding it.

We are now looking forward to Martin Schürz presenting this book in our Salon of Thought and discussing it with us and the audience.

Arguing can be so beautiful - also and especially in public. With the series "Krämers Gedankensalon", errors, resentment and lack of imagination have no place. According to traditional salon culture, a lively influx of thoughts is explicitly desired! In "Krämers Gedankensalon", chansonnier Sebastian Krämer and philosopher Felix Krämer discuss with personalities from literature, research or journalism...

In conversation with: Martin Schuerz

Sebastian Krämer | Chansonnier
Felix Krämer | philosopher and violoncellist

Tickets: 15/10 EUR (reduced) plus advance booking fee

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