CON SPIRITO SALON at Blumenland Engler

19:00 - 21:00

When the first lilacs bloom, high-calibre musicians from the Leipzig chamber music festival CON SPIRITO create a lively salon atmosphere at Blumenland Engler.

The 1st concertmaster of the Berlin Konzerthausorchester Sayako Kusaka (violin) and the two professors of the Leipzig University of Music and Theatre Pauline Sachse (viola) and Peter Bruns (violoncello), accompanied by pianist Annegret Kuttner, will take you back to the inspiring era of salons in the 19th century. Whether at home with Mendelssohn or the Schumanns – it was here in Leipzig that the salon lions came together, careers were forged and new compositions were performed.

You can look forward to an entertaining evening with Robert Schumann’s piano quartet, which he composed in Leipzig and which his wife Clara premiered in the Gewandhaus, as well as entertaining anecdotes and other musical surprises.

Robert Schumann
Piano Quartet in E flat major, op. 47 a. o.

Sayako Kusaka | violin
Pauline Sachse | viola
Peter Bruns | violoncello
Annegret Kuttner | piano
Gregor Nowak | moderation

Tickets: 35 €

Tickets online

! Concert venue: Blumenland Engler, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 45, 04205 Leipzig

In cooperation with Blüthner and Blumenland Engler

More information about Chamber music festival Con spirito

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