Sängerin Laura Liebeskind
Sängerin Laura Liebeskind

For the Schumanns' wedding anniversary: Laura Liebeskind


In this concert Laura Liebeskind presents the songs from her new album “Dionysos”. This album sharpens her focus on social issues: Anti-democracy, misogyny, sexualized violence, hypersensitivity, bullying, the war in Ukraine, climate change. But she also devotes herself to her typically rebellious love songs, which deal with the crazy psychology of attraction. Playing piano and guitar herself, Laura is supported by her favorite guitarist and long-time companion Tim Ludwig.

Laura Liebeskind | vocals and piano
Tim Ludwig | guitar

Tickets: 20/15 EUR (reduced) plus advance booking fee

Karten online

Tickets are also available at the shop Musikalienhandlung M.Oelsner.

Reserved tickets must be collected from the box office at least 15 minutes before the concert begins.

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